Quiz using pictures of different cities. Useful as a starter on a unit about cities. Is also useful to get pupils looking for clues in images to help locate them somewhere in the world.
A fun PPT for getting students to recognize flags from around the world, and at the same time learn a little bit about where these countries are. I use it as a fill in when I have time to spare
A 54-slide PowerPoint & Microsoft Word examples on the GUIDE for the transactional writing exam. The following areas are covered:
Example question
A4 Model answer
Examiner tips
Topic sentences
Stylistic features
Writing an introduction
Model paragraphs
A 54-slide PowerPoint & Microsoft Word examples on the GUIDE for the paper 2 transactional writing exam. The following areas are covered: Structure
Example question
A4 Model answer
Examiner tips
Topic sentences
Stylistic features
Writing an introduction
Model paragraphs